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IWC Replica Watches

The original Rolex Submariner Replica Watches Speedmaster MoonWatch was equipped with a IWC Replica Watches Crystal.

IWC Replica Watches has the disadvantage that it is more susceptible to scratches than glass or sapphire. The light marks can be removed with a mild abrasive.IWC Replica Watches However, continuous damage will blur the crystal.

In the event that it needs to be replaced, however, sapphire is less expensive.

SAPPHIRE CRYSTALSSapphire, also known as the blue gemstone is the most popular. The sapphire crystals used in watches are a variation of the mineral that makes up the gem. The mineral corundum is second only to diamond in terms of hardness.

Corundum crystals, which are used in watchmaking, are made in laboratories. They are four times stronger than acrylic. It is also very radiomir replica Its toughness is its biggest advantage over IWC Replica Watches. However, it also presents some problems.

The sapphire crystal Rolex Submariner Replica Watches Speedmaster comes with a sapphire caseback. It's called the "Sapphire Sandwich".

IWC Replica Watches is easily shaped into various shapes, but sapphire cannot be cut from a solid piece and polished into the final shape. The thicker dome of the Speedmaster sapphire is due to this. The crystal's thick edge gives it a "halo" of white around its circumference.